School Shirt Design Ideas That Students Will Love

Part of being in school whether you're talking about elementary, junior high or high school, is supporting your school. Whether you're a band booster, an athletic supporter, part of the PTO or just a student, you want to do whatever you can to help your school programs be the best they can be. Using shirt design ideas to have custom shirts made for fundraisers is a great way to help support your school.

Regardless of what program you're responsible for helping raise funds for, custom t-shirts are always a great seller. But custom shirts used to be expensive to have made and would take forever to get to you. However, with the advent of the internet and some great online design tools, you can come up you're your own shirt design ideas online and have t-shirts printed with a lot less expense and a lot less time invested. This means your profit margin goes up and you can have shirts made in just a few days. That makes the turn- around time on a fundraiser is a lot quicker.

Since you've got full control over the design process, you can use some really cool shirt design ideas and can play with them to get them exactly right. You'll want to do shirts with the school mascot, the school name and whatever program you're supporting. But being able to control the design, you can make funny shirts, or be ultra cool with the design elements so your shirts will not only look great but will sell great as well.
To use the online design tool, you'll upload the graphics or photos you want on the shirt and then place them on the shirt and scale the image to the size you want. After that, set up the text and place it where it needs to go. This process can only take a few minutes if you've got a good idea of what you want your shirt to look like. Once you've got everything where you want it, the next step is to render the shirt and see what it looks like on a body. Great designs on paper may not look good when someone is wearing the shirt so being able to see the "final product" helps you to know if you need to go back and tweak the design so it's perfect.

Totally cool shirt design ideas can become totally cool t-shirts that will push your fundraising efforts to new levels. Not only will the kids love the shirts, but the program you're fundraising for will love the great profits from a truly successful fund-raiser. Take a look at using awesome t-shirt designs for your next school fundraiser. You'll be surprised how great they'll look and even more surprised at how much money you'll raise.


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